Over mij

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My name is Sabrina Carty and I'm a 19 year old Communication and Media student. I am currently studying abroad in the Netherlands. I was born and raised on the island of St. Maarten and at the age of 18 moved to the Hague to get an higher education. It has so far been a wonderful and cultural experience especially since I have come to meet so many international people as well.

maandag 7 oktober 2013

How I Learned to Lose Fear of Uncertainty

Living and Loving Taiwan : How I Learned to Lose Fear of Uncertainty: There are many many lessons that I have learned in Taiwan that I could write pages about but the one lesson I am so happy to come back home ...

If i had to describe my year so far, studying abroad, this little story does it almost too well. The choice to leave home along with its feeling of security and stability and reach out to new experiences, you learn to fear not what you don't understand and that not knowing is but an opportunity to learn.
Check out this insightful post!

And as always, Ask any questions about my experiences or share some of your stories & pictures of your experience studying abroad/ visiting a foreign country :)!!

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