Over mij

Mijn foto
My name is Sabrina Carty and I'm a 19 year old Communication and Media student. I am currently studying abroad in the Netherlands. I was born and raised on the island of St. Maarten and at the age of 18 moved to the Hague to get an higher education. It has so far been a wonderful and cultural experience especially since I have come to meet so many international people as well.

woensdag 6 november 2013

Abroad & Cold

Hello once again,

It's nearing the time of holidays, depending that is the country you are staying in. I'm not just going to assume you are celebrating Christmas, Sinterklaas, Thanksgiving or any other mainstream holiday. That besides the point, one drastic change that is nearing is the fact i now wear three layers of clothing when I go outside.
The weather is changing and the temperature is slowly dropping to zero.  The leaves are no longer green as I am no longer of some color. Last year, around this time, was the first time I snow, FIRST TIME. And yes, I was as excited as I could ever be. The urge to make snow angels, build snowmen and throw snowball at some random bystander was at it's peak.  It was all very exciting, especially when it started to pile up. But then a day passed and a week passed and my excitement had faded. The white beautiful fluffy snow had turn it brown melty gunk and I wasn't as excited to put on many layers of clothes just to pass by the grocery store to buy bread.

Adapting to seasonal changes was definitely a struggle for me. I had only ever lived my life in one season, summer. There was no need for jackets, sweaters, gloves, heaters or any other necessities you would need for winter time. I lived the life of air-conditioning, short pants and flip-flops of 18 years so it's no surprise i had a temperature shock or maybe a seasonal shock.  
Literally on Christmas Days I would be in my bikini, hanging out with friends and family.

However being able to experience seasonal changes as many people would agree to, he changing of scenery and seeing the flowers bloom again, is quite beautiful.
you also tend to appreciate good weather in colder places a lot more. Adapting, is what we are made to do, experiencing is overcoming. There are always going to be people who prefer cold or hot, or hot over cold. But if you are sorta stuck in a new situation, where you find it impossible to adapt, making the best out of something is what will get you out alive. Sure, your toes are numb and you skin feels like it's chapping off, but hey, snowboarding might be fun so i'll try it out. 

I learned the ins & outs of how to dress in different seasons (winter especially). And tried my best to embrace the chilling air by comparing it to heat wave days on St.Maarten. Although there were days I would have love to go back on the beach. I enjoyed what I was seeing right in front of me, something new. 

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